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Категорија:Republic of Macedonia

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Macedonia, or officially the Republic of Macedonia, is a country located on the Balkan Peninsula. The country is one of naslednichkite states of the former Yugoslavia, which declared independence in 1991. Republic of Macedonia occupies about 38% of the total area of ​​the region of Macedonia. Geographically the country bordering with Serbia (and Kosovo) to the north, Bulgaria to the east, Greece to the south and Albania to the west. The relief of the country is mainly mountainous. Although continental state, it has more than 50 lakes and sixteen mountains higher than 2,000 meters. Macedonia is a sovereign [4], independent [5] [6] democratic [7] [8] and the welfare state [9] [10]. State capital is Skopje, with a population of 506, .926 citizens (проц. 2004). Other major cities are: Bitola, Kumanovo, Prilep, Tetovo, Veles, Stip, Ohrid, Gostivar, Strumica, Kičevo, and Kocani. Macedonia has a total of 25,713 square kilometers inhabited by approximately 2,114,550 inhabitants (проц. 2009), the majority of whom are ethnic Macedonians. The official language is Macedonian language as the official currency is the Macedonian denar. In 1993, Macedonia became a member of the United Nations, but because of the name dispute who runs with Greece, the application is under the name Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Macedonia is a member of the Council of Europe. Since December 2005, is also a candidate for joining the European Union and has applied to join NATO.

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